Representation of interests in relations with state authorities on issues of complex territories development

Territories Development
Practice area services
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Advising on the procedures for amending land use and development rules, boundary-setting plan, territory planning project, including preparation of documentation
Representation of interests in disputes on the exclusion of a property from the Government decision No. 819
Representing interests in disputes over ownership of real estate
Challenging decisions on the withdrawal of land plots and real estate as part of the complex territories development, reviewing the amount of compensation for seized land and real estate
Representation of interests in litigation on the complex territories development
Legal analysis of the prospects for judicial contestation of the decision on the complex territories development
Legal analysis of risks and terms of the agreement on the integrated development of territories, development of mechanisms for its minimization
Preparation of a roadmap for the implementation of the procedure for the complex territories development, including the stages, timing and study of risks
Support of the procedure for exclusion from the boundaries of the complex territories development
Accompanying the procedure for the complex territories development at the initiative of the city
Support of the procedure for the complex territories development at the initiative of the right holder
Advising on the application of legislation on the complex territories development
Land Law Firm provides comprehensive legal support in the implementation of construction projects, structuring transactions, in complex property disputes, large-scale due diligence and other issues in the field of land, real estate and construction.