The owner of the Palace of Culture filed a lawsuit against the Administration of the city of Tambov and the owners of adjacent plots in view of a number of revealed significant territorial overlaps of the boundaries of adjacent plots on his own. Intersections led to a significant reduction in the area of the client’s site, the “location” of a part of the DK building on a neighboring land plot under the MKD and other inconsistencies in the location of the boundaries and areas of the sites with title documents and USRN information. The court of first instance completely refused to satisfy the stated claims due to the client’s incorrectly chosen defense strategy.
Having entered into a dispute at the appeal stage, lawyers have developed a new procedural tactics to protect the rights of the client. Based on the results of six sessions in 19 AAC, the court accepted the presented arguments, canceled the decision of the court of first instance and satisfied the client’s requirements – the boundaries were established in accordance with the documents of title and the coordinates of the court land management examination carried out in the case in the first instance. In addition, the court decision of the appellate instance was based on a draft decision prepared and proposed to the judicial board by Land Law Firm lawyers.