Construction/ Development/ Redevelopment

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Removal of encumbrances and restrictions for project implementation

Analysis of urban planning restrictions in the field of construction and reconstruction

Analysis of protective obligations for cultural heritage sites

Change in the type of permitted use of land and the purpose of commercial real estate

Interaction with public authorities and investors, including when seizing objects for state needs

Preparation of a roadmap for the implementation of the project. Advising on key stages of project implementation

Re-profiling of infrastructure facilities belonging to industrial enterprises and various departments (sanatoriums, camps, hostels, departmental apartments, transport networks, housing and communal services infrastructure, etc.)

Re-profiling of recreational facilities (sanatoriums, boarding houses, cinemas, children’s camps)

Advising on obtaining rights to land plots in state or municipal ownership for construction purposes

Dispute resolution in the field of construction

Development of a “roadmap” for identifying and eliminating procedural and other risks when working with real estate objects

Legal support in the redevelopment of industrial territories

Structuring contracts for the operation and management of commercial real estate

Legal support when connecting objects to the infrastructure

Facility commissioning support

Advising on the preparation of construction documentation

Structuring the relationship between investor, developer and contractors

Representing the interests of investors in relations with government authorities, conducting conciliation procedures, obtaining construction permits and commissioning

Advising on shared construction issues

Structuring construction finance

Structuring of development projects

Due Diligence of real estate sites

Legal support in the implementation of Greenfield (on undeveloped plots) and Brownfield (on built-up plots) projects

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Land Law Firm provides comprehensive legal support in the implementation of construction projects, structuring transactions, in complex property disputes, large-scale due diligence and other issues in the field of land, real estate and construction.

Project experience