Land Law Firm team in the interests of the owner of the office and business complex – land plots with a total area of 14 thousand sq.m. and buildings with an area of 22 thousand sq.m. – prepared a legal opinion on the assessment of the grounds and legality of inclusion in the zone of complex territories development, risk analysis for the possibility of exploitation and transactions with the asset, identification of possible options for actions in order to protect their rights. As a result, the client was provided with a road map with a description of the risks for each of the project development options. The complexity of its preparation lay in the rare practice of applying the norms of the CRT mechanism as a way of developing the territory at the initiative of the city.
As a feature of the case, it is worth noting the absence of identified violations of land legislation and other grounds for including the real estate complex in the territory of the complex territories development zone, which formed the basis of the recommendations developed by LLF lawyers to avoid the risk of losing real estate.