On October 13, 2021, with the partner support of Land Law Firm, the annual conference of the Pravo.ru portal “Development and Construction: Legal Issues” was held. More than 90 delegates attended the conference to discuss key legislative initiatives, digitalization, judicial practice and global market trends. The largest representatives of the real estate and construction industry were present as delegates and speakers: Glavstroy, Don-Stroy Invest, PIK Group, Level Group, DOM.RF Bank, NOSTROY, BEL Development, LSR. Real Estate-M, MIC, AB Development, Strana Development, Central Properties, Malltech, Optima Development, etc.
Three representatives of Land Law Firm took an active part in the conference. LLF Managing Partner Denis Litvinov moderated the public talk, during which the greatest interest was aroused by the topic related to novelties in urban planning regulation, in particular, the mechanism of integrated development of territories. “It was valuable for us to get the opinion of representatives of large construction companies on the first results of the operation of this mechanism both in Moscow and in the regions of the Russian Federation. At the end of the public talk, we did not have enough time to discuss all the nuances, and this is an indicator of the relevance and relevance of the questions raised for the real estate and construction market,” said Denis.
Also, Denis moderated the 3rd session, during which colleagues discussed the litigation practice in the field of real estate for the second half of 2021 year.
Senior lawyer, head of practice Ksenia Ulianova spoke at the second session and spoke about the optimization of property payments, in particular, Ksenia analyzed the intermediate results of the state cadastral valuation, considered legislative changes in the field of GKO, procedural features of reducing the cadastral value, as well as general mechanisms and new possibilities for excluding real estate objects from 700-PP. “Legislation in the sphere of GKO is undergoing constant changes, which not only do not remove existing contradictions, but also add new ones. At the same time, given that the list of real estate objects taxable from the cadastral value is growing every year, the procedure for revising the cadastral value does not lose its relevance,” Ksenia believes.
Land Law Firm Senior Lawyer Marina Strokan spoke at the third session, for the participants of which she disclosed the topic of unauthorized constructions in the protected zones of pipelines: she spoke about the risks for the owners of commercial objects associated with this issue, protection tools in the event of a claim for demolition of the building, and provided advice on relationships with pipeline owners. “Protected zones have long ceased to be a problem only for summer residents and the emerging practice is a confirmation of this. To receive a claim for the demolition of a building in the “blind” zone is a quite tangible prospect for the owner of a commercial facility,” Marina summed up.
We are grateful to all the participants for their interest, the speakers for useful and well-prepared speeches, and the Pravo.ru team for the professional organization of the conference!
Read more in Russian: https://pravo.ru/story/235711/.