Ksenia Ulianova


Отраслевой фокус

Construction and Real Estate
Media and IT
Private Equity
Retail and Trade
Services Sector
Transportation and Logistics


Ksenia is personally recommended for cooperation by international and Russian ratings:

Best Lawyers: recognized as one of the best lawyers in Russia in the Construction Law and Real Estate Law specializations.

Pravo.ru-300: Land law / Commercial real estate / Construction, Dispute Resolution in courts of general jurisdiction, Retail, FMCG, food service.


Experience in the legal sector – over 10 years.

Prior to joining Land Law Firm, she worked as an in-house lawyer in a financial group and land management company.

Ksenia runs a practice that specializes in the resolution of administrative and property disputes related to the optimization of tax and rental payments for real estate, the compensation value of the seized property, the exclusion of buildings from the Moscow Government Resolution 700-PP, unauthorized construction, the settlement of disagreements when concluding contracts for the sale and purchase of real estate, taxation, due diligence of real estate objects. She advises clients on land, urban planning and civil law.

Ksenia provides legal support to leading Russian and foreign companies, including Mercury / TSUM Trading House, Gals-Development, Donstroy, Glavstroy, Elgaugol, METRO C&C, X5 Retail Group, BILLA, Level Group, Central Properties, Trekhgornaya Manufaktura, MPZ Kazakova, Gazprombank-Invest, TRINFICO Group, Forward Media Group, AutoSpecCentre, GAZ Group, Avtokombinat No. 4, PROFIS Real Estate, etc.


Saratov State Law Academy, Law School, jurisprudence specialty.

He has a qualification certificate of a cadastral engineer, as well as a qualification certificate of an adviser on taxes and fees, issued by the Chamber of Tax Advisers of Russia.


Ksenia is an expert of major mass media (Russia-24, Moscow 24, RBK TV, Vesti FM, Russian newspaper, Pravo.ru, Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta, Corporate Lawyer, Company Lawyer, Economics and Life, Shortread, etc.).

She has experience of speaking as a speaker on optimization of tax and rental payments for real estate at the legal forums Pravo.ru, IRSOT, RFOP “Economics and Management”, etc.
